Monday, March 22, 2010

The Mischief Makers

Amazing how a little guy can make so much more mess and cause so much more trouble than a guy at least ten times his size. I am talking, of course, of our little man Keani and our big boy Icewind. For about two years we endured a couple of chewed walls and dented doorknobs as Icewind grew into adulthood. But for all that, he's been (and is) a remarkably good boy. Although he definitely has the height to do it, only once has he ever reared up to place his paws on the counter and filch a tasty something. And that once was when he was still a pup.

After a brief stint with the ill-fated doorknobs, Icewind gradually stopped chewing anything. You could leave anything on the floor and it would be safe. Paper, slippers - you name it. In fact, Icewind quickly got to the point where he didn't even play with toys much anymore, preferring to lie in the hallway and guard the front door.

Keani, on the other hand, is a little ball of mess and mayhem. You'd think, since he has a much smaller mouth, that he would cause less trouble, but, perhaps due to the fact that he's so close to the floor, he in fact causes much more.
Nothing escapes his attention. If there is dirt, he will find it. If there is a leaf, he will munch on it. (Not to eat, you understand. He tries not to swallow anything, unless it really is food.) Carpets beware! It doesn't take long for Keani to rip it into shreds.

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