Thursday, April 15, 2010

Organized Chaos

I think that the truest self-portrait I ever painted was of an octopus trying to do a myriad of things at the same time. This may become especially fitting in the coming school year.

I've recently been accepted to York University's B.Ed program. It's a nine month study schedule, starting at the end of August and continuing until the end of May. It's going to be a crazily hectic year, as I will continue to teach music, write, draw, direct a choir and, of course, take care of our home.

So, in order to try to facilitate next year going as smoothly as possible, this is my 'to be completed' list from now until August.

1. Make and freeze six months worth of food for us and for Keani. I know, I know, it sounds a little crazy, but I can imagine the relief of at least having one thing I don't have to worry about. We have two freezers and a vacuum sealer, so hopefully everything can be jammed in. The hope is to start baking and freezing the cookies next month, with squares, main and side courses, appetizers, quick breads and candy following after.

2. Finish writing and editing two manuscripts - a YA and a middle-grade one. One of these is an assignment, and there are two more related assignments to go, so hopefully all three will be done in the next month and a half or so.

3. Finish writing a second YA manuscript. Have to go back and plot the chapters back out on that one...I somehow got a little lost along the way...

4. Plan, plot and start writing two more middle-grade manuscripts.

5. Plan and start writing a myriad of non-fiction articles.

6. Paint and finish twelve illustrating portfolio pieces. The idea is to get them done so that I can keep sending out art submissions next year without worrying about spending the time actually creating them.

7. Finish a fine art piece. Haven't painted one of those in a long, long time.

8. Sew three more outfits. Got one done before Easter with flowing sleeves and a skirt that ripples. A second skirt is well on its way to being finished. I know I won't have time next year, hence the other three.

9. Finish painting the house - just three more rooms to be done. Again, I know I'll not have the time next year, so better get it done now.

10. Finish Keani's portrait. Well, Icewind has a big one on the wall. Our 'Little Man' needs one too!

Can it be done? We'll see...

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